Gravity east village is the official colon hydrotherapy recommendation of Polearity Palace. According to their website Gravity East Village is
“A wellness center in new york city specializing in colon hydrotherapy sessions.”
To read more about Colon Hydrotherapy click
HERE.After 13 years of running SanaVita, a premier center for Colon Hydrotherapy in NYC, Arul H goldMAN closed its doors in 2018. She started going for her own colonics to her amazingly knowledgeable and talented colleague Donna Perrone who founded
Gravity East. Arul has given her “stamp of approval” to her thousands of clients to continue on with their colon cleansing needs at Gravity East who go above and beyond as far as cleanliness especially during these extra concerning times with Covid.
Their address is 515 East 5th Street #104 between A & B. the # is: 212-388-9788
Please let them know I sent you and they will take very good care of you. And use this code:PP77 for a 15% discount off your first session. (their regular priced session is $150 for an hour session)